If you don't have a wireless network, what are you waiting for? A Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) enables connections between and throughout buildings, supporting your organization's operations. Let Bailey Communications develop your entire WLAN today!
A Wireless Local Area Network, or WLAN, extends an existing wired local area network, allowing wireless
access. WLANs are formed through the use of access points attached to the wired network. Clients
communicate with the access points using a wireless network adapter similar in function to a traditional
Ethernet adapter. These adapters are often built into most modern devices, unlocking the full potential of
your existing equipment.
Yes! Bailey Communications ensures the security of the wireless network through the use of the most advanced network protocols available. Using WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), we restrict unauthorized access and protect proprietary information.
Through the use of a WLAN, you and your employees have access to information regardless of where you or they may be within your place of business where everyone is reachable at any given time. This increases customer satisfaction and productivity within your organization.
Regardless of where you are within network range, you won't miss a beat when that ever-important email arrives from a customer or client. You can immediately share information with others.
The only thing you need to go wireless is five minutes to give Bailey Communications a call!
Wireless network systems are a primary focus for Bailey Communications. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff can ensure your wireless network meets the demands of your organization, remains secure, and allows greater flexibility in your organization. Please don't forget our Customer Support Agreement! Choose your level of service and then you'll never have to worry about downtime or increased cost. With Bailey Communications, the Network is ALWAYS UP!